Individual lessons

Unlock your musical potential

Personalised one-to-one lessons

With over 70 accredited music and performing arts teachers, we offer a diverse range of personalised one-to-one lessons. Our dedicated instructors are committed to helping you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Having a one-to-one lesson is the fastest way for you, or your family, to learn a musical instrument. Explore our teachers' profiles and submit an enquiry form to start your journey towards musical excellence today!

Meet our teachers

Alan Burden

Instrument: Percussion, Drums, Hand Percussion

Alvaro Saura Moreno

Instrument: Strings, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Double Bass

Andreas Vitz

Instrument: Drums, Bass Guitar

Anna Prasannan

Instrument: Flute, Piano, Recorder

Annabelle Laing

Instrument: Woodwind, Flute, Piano, Recorder, Keyboard

Anne Shearer

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Bo Ade-Simpson

Instrument: Guitar

Brett Holland

Instrument: Guitar, Songwriting, Bass Guitar, Composition

Brett Smith

Instrument: Guitar

Chris Harris

Instrument: Trumpet, Trombone, Brass

Chris Pierson

Instrument: Percussion, Drums

Christine Foote

Instrument: Strings, Violin, Viola, Music Theory

Colleen Rae-Gerrard

Instrument: Piano, Fortepiano

Craig Duffy

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Daniel Christoffersen

Instrument: Guitar, Classical Guitar, Jazz Guitar, Songwriting, Bass Guitar, Jazz Theory

Dayna Sanerivi

Instrument: Contemporary, Singing, Voice

Dean St Germain

Instrument: Guitar, Percussion, Drums, Bass Guitar

Doug Stenhouse

Instrument: Piano, Music Theory, Percussion, Drums, Composition, Keyboard

Elgee Leung

Instrument: Strings, Cello

Erica Sim

Instrument: Music Theory, Singing

Fiona Ingram

Instrument: Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Ukulele, Vocal Classes

Fleur Jackson

Instrument: Strings, Violin

Florence McNabb

Instrument: Guitar, Contemporary, Singing

Glynn Matthew Olsen

Instrument: Guitar

Grace Lee

Instrument: Strings, Violin

Greg Mills

Instrument: Percussion, Drums

Gretchen Howard

Instrument: Guitar, Ukulele, Bassoon

Hannah Thompson-Holloway

Instrument: Contemporary, Singing, Musical Theatre, Choral, Voice, Vocal Improvisation

Hugh Morrison-Thomas

Instrument: Speech and Drama, Public speaking

James Gould

Instrument: Guitar, Electric Guitar

Jamie Ann Gornall

Instrument: Speech and Drama, Singing, Musical Theatre

Jason Balla

Instrument: Contemporary, Singing, Musical Theatre, Choral, Voice

Jessica D’Ath

Instrument: Speech and Drama, Singing, Musical Theatre

Jodie Freeman

Instrument: Strings, Violin, Music Theory, Conducting

Joel Bolton, QSO

Instrument: Woodwind, Flute, Piano, Keyboard

Jonna Arthur

Instrument: Strings, Violin, Viola

Josie Yau

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Justin Ursua

Instrument: Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drums, Bass Guitar, Keyboard

Karen Austin

Instrument: Speech and Drama, Public speaking

Kate Sherwood

Instrument: Strings, Cello

Katie Dey

Instrument: Strings, Piano, Violin, Keyboard

Katie Scott

Instrument: Piano, Music Theory, Brass, Keyboard

Kemp English

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard, Harpsichord, Organ, Fortepiano

Kyoko Takashima

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Laura Koleff

Instrument: Strings, Piano, Cello, Keyboard

Leonora Soares

Instrument: Percussion, Dance

Liam Muir

Instrument: Guitar, Jazz Guitar, Composition

Lissa Cowie

Instrument: Strings, Cello

Liz Buchanan

Instrument: Piano, Singing, Keyboard

Lucy Davies

Instrument: Woodwind, Oboe

Lucy Rainey

Instrument: Woodwind, Music Theory, Clarinet, Singing, Voice, Vocal Classes

Margarita Jackson

Instrument: Strings, Violin, Viola

Marie Willis

Instrument: Woodwind, Flute, Piano, Clarinet, Recorder, Saxophone

Mary Ayre

Instrument: Piano

Miles Jackson

Instrument: Guitar, Classical Guitar, Flamenco Guitar

Myles Payne

Instrument: Strings, Piano, Violin, Viola, Music Theory, Composition, Keyboard
Myles Payne, staff, NCMA

Paul Chan

Instrument: Organ

Paul Gilmour

Instrument: Strings, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Double Bass

Rebecca Bignall

Instrument: Dance

Renee Maurice

Instrument: Flute, Piano, Recorder, Ukulele

Rosemary Galton

Instrument: Strings, Violin, Singing, Voice

Sally Anne Wastney

Instrument: Strings, Violin, Cello

Sam Atkins

Instrument: Guitar, Percussion, Drums, Bass Guitar, Singing, Ukulele, Mandolin

Sarah Lewis

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Simon Williams

Instrument: Woodwind, Guitar, Clarinet, Saxophone, Ukulele

Sophie Wu

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Tamsin Leenhouwers

Instrument: Strings, Violin, Viola

Tessa Quayle

Instrument: Music Theory, Singing, Voice, Jazz Theory, Vocal Improvisation

Tom Anderson

Instrument: Guitar, Contemporary Guitar, Electric Guitar, Drums, Bass Guitar

Tracy Wardrope

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Trudi Wilson

Instrument: Contemporary, Singing, Musical Theatre, Voice

Virginia Ward

Instrument: Strings, Piano, Violin, Keyboard

Zeb Wulff

Instrument: Piano, Keyboard

Zoë Dee

Instrument: Singing, Musical Theatre, Choral, Voice

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